We’ve been selling Santa black & white film for a while now as our in-house film, but it’s always had a secret. Until recently it was a secret we were proud of, but recent events have changed our perspective.

This film stock was not available worldwide and we found a way to make it for you all. We bought bulk film and spooled it by hand, making over 10,000 rolls over the course of the Santa production run. All of that is coming to an end, though.

The truth is that Santa film is made from a Russian air surveillance film. This film is still produced, available, and profitable for us as a business, but we won’t be making any more until there is regime change in Russia. The war in Ukraine must end.

Right now, we have over 5,000 rolls of this special film stock ready (in both 35mm and 120). As this situation progressed, we thought about what we could do with it and how we could help. It’s a difficult situation to be in.

Being from Finland, we understand what it looks like to have hundreds of thousands of men with thousands of tanks rush at you from the East. We also know how long the recovery process for the people of Ukraine will be because our families still have scars 80 years after our war.

We’ve decided to sell the film and donate the entire cost to Ukrainian families in need. If it’s all sold, we’ll end up putting around 35,000€ towards humanitarian aid. We’ll post updates on amounts donated and which specific charities we donate to on the Santa film Instagram page (@Santa1000) so check that out if you’re interested.

Otherwise, we ask the film community to come together to bid this film farewell and to support our friends and allies in Ukraine as they struggle against tyranny.

-The Santa film team from